Get the latest updates on Singapore's MRT/LRT rail condition - new stations and lines, train delays and faults (signalling, track, power ...) as well as news on related network developments.
MRT.SG is able to send short message alerts to users via the Web Push protocol.
This feature is only available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers. By opting in for web push notifications, you'll receive important alerts from MRT.SG.
About Web Push Notifications
ⓘ Web Push Notification is a draft Web standard that is still evolving but stable. This feature allows web users to be notified by a website when their browsers are running but without requiring the website to be opened.
ⓘ With Notifications, you get updates without submitting your email address, mobile phone number or installing any apps. Opt out anytime by simply toggling the button to "OFF" (grey).
ⓘ This feature is in beta testing. Feedback via