Search MRT station nearest to buildings, landmarks & other Singapore POIs

Find the nearest MRT station to landmarks, buildings, schools and other points of interest (POIs) in Singapore:

ⓘ Search tips:

  • Search results are limited to 10 returned items. If you don't see your desired POI, try a more exact name.
  • There may be more than one MRT station near to a POI, If so, each station will appear in a separate result item.
  • If no results were returned, try using less words (remove the less general ones).

Only POIs within approximately 500 metres of an MRT station are listed here. Half a kilometre is a reasonably comfortable walking distance without having to take a bus transfer.

This search feature is in beta and under continuous improvement. POI data is based on crowdsourced open sources and will be updated and improved over time.


POI data © OpenStreetMap contributors. This data is available under the Open Database Licence (Terms).